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Adventure Trail A Swinging Success

14 Oct

Children at Crescent School are now enjoying state-of-the-art play equipment thanks to a donation from the Friends of Crescent (FoC).

The fundraising campaign by the primary school’s parents and teacher association has funded the large majority of the cost, a magnificent sum of nearly £12 000, of the high-quality natural wood adventure trail through a range of initiatives that included clothes sales, quizzes, film nights, fairs and recycling collections.

The new outdoor play area has been installed on the grass at the back of the playground and provides an exploratory, fun and engaging activity trail that has been designed to engage and challenge the children physically. 

Comments, Chair of the FoC, Inez de Koning: “We are delighted to contribute to the wellbeing of the school by providing play equipment that encourages children to be active and creative outdoors.”

Headteacher, Joe Thackway, added: “Many thanks to our parents and to the FoC who worked so hard to provide this wonderful equipment. It will help to develop children’s confidence in movement and support better peer relationships while developing a lifelong passion for physical activity.”