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Salvation Army Delighted By Donations For Present Appeal

09 Dec

Crescent School was delighted to welcome Major Catherine Rand from the Salvation Army into school on Friday 9 December to collect toys and gift donations for the Salvation Army’s Christmas Present Appeal.

Major Catherine spoke to the children, explaining about the work of the Salvation Army and of the annual present appeal, she said, "The Salvation Army has, for many years, helped to give Christmas presents to children who otherwise wouldn't get anything for Christmas. We are contacted by schools, children's workers and social workers who know children in need, and we provide presents and gifts for their families to wrap for them to enjoy on Christmas Day.”

Many thanks to our wonderful Friends of Crescent for co-ordinating the collection, and to all of our Crescent parents and pupils for their donations to the appeal. The gifts were laid out in assembly for all the children to see. Major Catherine was extremely pleased and thanked everyone, saying what a difference they will make to children who have little or nothing to open on Christmas Day.

The Christmas spirit is alive and well in our Crescent community!